what is color theory
what is color theory in design Color theory in design is the study of how colors work together and how they can be used to create a visually pleasing and effective design. It involves understanding the principles of color mixing, color harmony, and the psychology of color to create designs that evoke specific emotions and moods. The three primary colors are red, yellow, and blue, and they form the basis of all other colors. Secondary colors are created by mixing two primary colors together, such as green (blue and yellow), orange (red and yellow), and purple (red and blue). Color harmony is an essential aspect of color theory, and it refers to the way that different colors work together in a design. There are several types of color harmony, including complementary (colors opposite each other on the color wheel), analogous (colors next to each other on the color wheel), and triadic (three colors equidistant from each other on the color wheel). The psychology of color is another importan...